Saturday 20 October 2012

Rainbow, VP Highways & Infrastructure and the HEA

It's Saturday morning, and it's  cool and misty with no sign of the sun! It is on these  damp autumnal mornings that I remember warm sunny days. What a difference a bit of sunshine makes. Sadly for some the lack of sunlight can bring on a form of depression. It even has a name - Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).There are two people in my office that use the "bright white" lamps to help alleviate this condition. I really appreciate the sunshine, not just for warmth,but becuase it does affect our moods. Taking photos on a drab overcast day leaves the captured image flat and dull. Add a little sunlight and you get depth, contrast and vivid colours. We certainly try our best to emmulate sunshine with lamps, but we come a poor second. I promised a photo per blog. This is one that I took in New Zealand, on a wild windswept beach near Wellington. It is a rainbow, and it was caused partly by the spray and partly by the weather that was being blown through. Rainbows only happen when you have some sunshine. I guess when Noah saw the rainbow, he was so glad to see the sun again as it shone through the clouds.
Earlier this week, Council met and it is good see the way the VPs and Councillors are working together. It has taken a while, but I do believe that our strategy and vision for the Institution and especially the members is coming together. Just to remind you that there is a new post of VP Highways and Infrastructure and if you want a job description and think you might be interested, then contact   for a job description. I think this final VP role will give the balance we want within the Institution. We have some interseting ideas that I am sure the new VP (when appointed) will be able to progress and develop.

Next week I am going to the HEA Conference and Dinner at Celtic Manor, so I might see some of you there. Interestingly on the way to Wales, I will going to Egham for a MRI brain scan. This is the final peice of volounteer work I am doing with UCL on understanding how our eyes and brain works at low light levels.
Have a good week

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