Monday 30 June 2014



Hi All
Well June has flown by and I now have just under 3 months left in office!!! Where has the year gone!!

June was an extremely busy month. You, the members took part in the first vote (under the ILP banner) for your new SVP 2014/15. Thank you again to all those who voted.

I have heard comment about why stamped addressed envelopes were not used. Simply put this  down to cost. It was felt that to spend just under £1200 on stamps was not a wise use of members’ monies; a fact proven by only 186 votes being returned which  would have meant over  £1000 of your money being wasted. In real terms the cost of a stamp to have an input into the Institution’s future for the next 3 years was well worth £0.62p of my money (just a thought).

During June we held the Regional Officers’ meeting @Rugby followed by a Regional Chairmens’ workshop chaired by Richard Frost (I was also in attendance). All felt the workshop was very worthwhile and we had some great ideas . We will be holding one for Vice Chairmen soon so please: to all Regional Vice Chairs, do your best to attend.

Saturday  14th was the Midland Region Summer Ball held in Stratford upon Avon. A great night was had by all. My thanks to Lee Burton and the Midland Region for inviting me to attend such a great event.

The evening of the 17th saw myself and Richard attend the Engineering Council meeting to hear their new President’s Address.

The 24th was the Community Lighting Event ran by Surveyor Magazine in London. My thanks to Jess and her team for making sure the day went well and to the Surveyor  team for organising the venue and speakers. I must also thank David Gibby for making the key note speech. Peter took up the post of President for the CIHT less than a week before the event and agreed to present at the seminar which was his first engagement in his new capacity.

And finally on the  25th the Executive Board met with the VP’s to review the progress of their KPI’s for the first  6 months of the year.

Booking is now open for this year’s Lighting Summit (follow the link below for more details). The exhibition space has already sold out and delegate places are selling fast.Speakers have been announced so it’s all systems go for what should be another fantastic event. I look forward to seeing you all there.

July is normally a quiet month but this year would appear to buck that trend!

1st July How to Be Brilliant on  Portfolios at AC/DC
3rd Midland Region Golf Day
8th L&SE Technical Meeting @ IGuzzini , Guildford
16th Midland Region Technical Session, Derby
17th Western Region Technical Session, Bristol
29th How to be Brilliant  Daylighting
All details regarding these events are on the website so please take a look and attend where possible.
My thanks as always must go to my employer Skanska (IS) for supporting me with the time required to fulfil the duties as your President. Without this full support it would be extremely difficult.
You can also now follow me  @mjrugby1968
Until next time

Tuesday 17 June 2014

May review

Welcome back and yet another month has flown by and apologies for the late posting .
Along with the attendance to the Scottish AGM and Lightscene, there was the LIA annual Presidents Address, Past Presidents meeting, Module 3 ELD, N/E dinner dance and finally the Irish AGM.
My thanks go to both the Irish and Scottish Regions and their respective committees  for making me welcome at both events, I am pleased to say Lightscene was a tremendous success with well over 130 people through the door with over 70 staying to the evening meal to support the Scottish Region and it’s new Chair David Black.
Once again the final AGM on the circuit was the Irish region and yet again another fantastic event and an extremely well supported day 9the weather even held off for the golfers and cultural tour.
In more general terms  it was pleasing for Rugby to receive the following words from a member in connection with our latest resource for members “The Grid”
Just a few lines to say how impressed I am with the ILP Grid resource. I recently wanted to look up one of the professional lighting guides and within one minute was able to access the guide I needed. It would have taken me longer to get up and get a hard copy from my employers technical library. Professional lighting guides is one of the strengths of the ILP and sets them on a pedestal above other institutions and kindred organisations. This service must rank very high in the benefits of being an ILP Member to both to employers and employees. It is fast, responsive, money saving and always up to date, brilliant well done the ILP.
Even more good news was the that the Institution hekld a ballot for the post of Senior Vice President 2014/15
Following the postal ballot of all eligible members concluded on 9 June 2014 at 12 Noon, the current Vice President Highways and Infrastructure, Elizabeth Thomas  has  been elected by the membership to the post of Senior Vice President.

In an extremely tight vote she was declared the winner  after a second check on the voting papers by the Institution’s scrutineers.

She will take up the post at the forthcoming  AGM at the Professional Lighting Summit in Solihull on 24th September.

11% of eligible ILP members took up the opportunity to vote.

It was a close call and I congratulate both candidates. I am however deeply disappointed in the low turn out. During my time as President many members have given me the benefit of their views either in private, in writing, at AGM’s or in more social surroundings about the Institution, it’s new structure and the fact that they want a say in shaping and forming the Institution, it’s policies and it’s succession planning. Members were given the opportunity to have a say in the appointment of a key post which will have an impact on all these things for the next 2 years, having been given this chance to have a say in its future direction it’s a bit galling and saddening to the Executive Board and Past Presidents  and probably to other members who did take the time to vote and more importantly to the candidates who stood and wanted their support that so few actually took the time and trouble to vote.

I would personally like to thank all members who did vote, your support is appreciated and to both candidates for taking the time to prepare their candidate statements and congratulate Elizabeth on her success. I know myself and fellow colleagues on the Board look forward to working with Elizabeth and assisting her in her year as SVP and then as your President.

My thanks as always must go to my employer Skanska (IS) for supporting me with the time required to fulfil the duties as your President. Without this full support it would be extremely difficult.
You can also now follow me  @mjrugby1968
Until next time