Saturday 19 January 2013

Snow and Sun and next Summit

I have finally got back to doing my blog on a saturday morning!  Routine can be a good discipline, but with a sprinkling of non-routine now and then. I look out of the window and I am sure, like those of you who read my blog this week, you will see snow. Fantastic stuff when you are a kid or are on a sking holiday, but for the vast majority of us, tricky stuff.  I was watching the news last night and one of the great images was of a motor way, slow moving traffic in heavy snow and the twin lanterns in the middle of the motorway picking out the snow as it fell. Good to know the lights keep working, rain or snow, summer or winter. To those of you who look after the lighting and keep it running - Well done. I know it is taken for granted by many, but from me, thank you.

A couple of winter pics taken from my home. One of the sun as it headed towards the evening horizon. I looked up from our kitchen table and saw the fiery orb surrounded by cloud with snow on the ground. Quite stunning. Tried to capture it. Second picture is of a flock of birds in the garden, feeding on the fallen crab apples.

I have been keeping busy as President, replying to various invitations to represent the Institution at a number of events and dinners. It is an honour, and I hope I will be a good ambasador for the ILP and where ever and when ever I can - get the message of lighting out to these who don't know what we do.  I am delighted to see that the announcement for the next lighting summit has come out this week.
So I hope you will put the summit dates in your diary for the 11 and 12 september 2013. It will be in Glasgow. Have a look on the website. Have a good week . Pete

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